Foods to eliminate or minimize during fasting ramadan
These Nutritient-deficient foods are loaded with calories but empty on important nutritients so try to mimize or even better eleminate from you diet all together or at least while fasting
Eliminate or Minimize
Sugary/soft drinks.
These drinks cause sugar spike making you feel tired and crave more junk food.
Sugary drinks refer to any beverage with added sugar or other sweeteners (high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, fruit juice concentrates)
Water should be your best choice for hydration. Water -Getting Enough Daily & What You Need To Know?
Spicy foods.
Minimize or Eliminate spicy foods during fasting/ramadan
These are warming foods that help prevent quality sleep and for some people cause digestive issues. For quality sleep tips.
Fried foods.
Calorie rich foods are tasty while eating but do not give you the good mental and physical energy you need while fasting
Processed Foods.
These foods are calorie-rich but nutrient deficient and just occupy important real estate with no return in value and that real estate is your body. Even worst they make you crave more of the same thing causing a domino effect of lack of nutrition.
When Fasting you need nutrient-dense foods to sustain you for long hours of fasting
limit or eliminate spicy and fried foods, caffeine, sugary drinks, and junk food. These foods tend to make you more sluggish and hungry the next day and worst make you crave more junk food which becomes a vicious cycle. To Eliminate this, eat healthy and nutritious foods and your body will be happy!
Foods to avoid: Empty calories with No benefits
Avoid or Cut Back on Sugar-Filled Drinks. …
- Avoid Sugar-Loaded Desserts. …
- Avoid Sauces With Lots of Sugar. …
- Check for Sugar in Canned Foods. …
- Be Careful With So-Called “Healthy” Processed Snack Foods.
- Avoid Sugar-Filled Breakfast Foods.
- Simple carbs and stick with complex carbs